Feel free to contact any of the teaching staff if you have a problem.
Our contact details are below

Ms Myra Gurney
School of Humanities & Communication Arts
Office: BB. 1.62, Werrington South
Work: (02) 9852 5176
Mobile: 0409 306 825
Email: m.gurney@uws.edu.au

Dr Ray Archee
School of Humanities & Communication Arts
Office: BB. 1.22, Werrington South
Work: (02) 9852 5289
Mobile: 0413 149 824
Email: r.archee@uws.edu.au

Mr Colin Dawson
School of Humanities & Communication Arts
Office: n/a
Email: c.dawson@uws.edu.au

Ms Christine Brown-Paul
School of Humanities & Communication Arts
Office: n/a
Mobile: 0416 418 618
Email: c.brown.paul@gmail.com

Our textbook has been newly revised especially for this unit. Most lectures and many class activities will be based on the book, so we recommend that all students have access to a copy and bring it to class every week. Copies will be made available in the Library Closed Reserve.

In addition, class discussions and presentations will be based on more specific readings on the weekly topic. These can be found under the 'Tutorial Readings' tab at the top of this page.

Professional communication in the news

Digital era redefining etiquette